SEVILLE SCHOOL (17th / 18th century) "Saint Joseph with the Child"
Starting price 500 €
(Amberes, Bégica, 1654 - Madrid?, h. 1708)
JAN VAN KESSEL II (ATTRIBUTED) (Antwerp, Belgium, 1654 - Madrid?, c. 1708) "Portrait of Queen Mariana of Neuburg"
Oil on canvas. On the reverse, label of the Board of Seizure, Protection and Rescue of Artistic Heritage. Photographic record of the work in the Photo Library of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (no. 10502). Provenance: - Collection of the Counts of Oliva. Bibliography: - Martinez Leiva, G., "Mariana of Neuburg (1667-1740): settings, image and possessions of a queen", Doctoral thesis, Complutense University of Madrid, 2019, no. 13737. Reference bibliography: - Martinez Leiva, G., "Jan Van Kessel II versus Jacques Courtilleau: Two ways of portraying Queen Mariana of Neuburg", Philostrato. The painter Jan Van Kessel II is credited with some portraits of Mariana of Neuburg, the second wife of Charles II of Spain. From 29 November 1683 he held the position of painter to the queen, producing a type of work that continued with formulas rooted in the Hispanic tradition. This model, inspired by the one created by Claudio Coello (1642-1693), shows the sovereign in a bust with her characteristic physiognomy, before a gaudy curtain that reveals a landscape in the background; elements that allow it to be related to other portraits of hers such as, for example, the one kept in the Abello collection and a second copy located in a private collection. We would like to thank Gloria Martinez Leiva for her help in cataloguing this lot. Measurements: 72 x 58 cm.
Starting price 18.000 €
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