"Mapa de las Islas Carolinas y de las Marianas o Islas de los Ladrones"
Huella: 25,2 x 36,6 cm
Precio salida 60 €
(? - Valladolid, 1629)
ATTRIBUTED TO PEDRO DE LA CUADRA (? - Valladolid, 1629) "Visitation of the Virgin to Saint Elizabeth"
Half-relief in carved, gilded, polychrome and upholstered wood. The late Romanist style of this interesting half-relief, in which a certain naturalistic tendency can already be appreciated, is very close to that of the works of the sculptor Pedro de la Cuadra. The figures have his characteristic physiognomic features, with bulging eyes and Greek noses, evidencing in this work the roughness that characterizes much of his production and that experts attribute to the frequent subletting that the sculptor did with other masters. It has losses of polychromy and some restorations that, possibly, were carried out in the Talleres de Arte Granda, due to the label that the work has attached to the back. Measurements: 106 x 93 cm.
Starting price 6.500 €
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