Pair of oil lamps based on Canton vases, China, 19th century and later
Starting price 150 €
1.603 Results
Pair of oil lamps based on Canton vases, China, 19th century and later
Starting price 150 €
Chest made from Gothic elements, c. 1900
Starting price 1.000 €
Ceiling lamp for Alfonsino lamp, Spain, c. 1900
Starting price 400 €
Alfonsine mirror, Spain, c. 1900
Starting price 600 €
Pair of porcelain oil lamps
Starting price 450 €
Iron railing, Spain, c. 1900
Starting price 300 €
Four Chairs, c. 1910
Starting price 280 €
Stone column, Spain, c. 1900
Starting price 600 €
Turkmen Saryk hand-knotted silk carpet, 20th century
Starting price 400 €
Hand-knotted wool rug, Spain, 20th century
Starting price 400 €
Hand-knotted Persian wool and silk rug, 20th century
Starting price 800 €
Hand-knotted Persian wool rug, 20th century
Starting price 1.000 €
Nain cambo hand-knotted wool rug, 20th century
Starting price 1.700 €
Hand-knotted wool Kashan rug, 19th century
Starting price 3.900 €
Hand-knotted wool Ziegler rug, 20th century
Starting price 600 €
Hand-knotted wool Ziegler rug, 20th century
Starting price 800 €
Persian hand-knotted wool Gum rug, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
Hand-knotted Persian wool rug, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
Hand-knotted Persian wool rug, 20th century
Starting price 120 €
Armchair, Beijing, 19th century
Starting price 300 €
"Officer's hat" armchair, Beijing, 19th century
Starting price 300 €
Pair of armchairs, Beijing, 19th-20th century
Starting price 600 €
Pair of "officer's hat" chairs, Beijing, 19th-20th century
Starting price 600 €
Pair of chairs, Beijing, 19th century
Starting price 600 €
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