(1705 / 1765)
ISAAK TIRION Netherlands (1705) / (1765) GEORGE ANSON Staffordshire, United Kingdom (1697) / ( 1762) Hertfordshire, United Kingdom "Nautical Chart of Manila Bay"
Starting price 120 €
1.603 Results
(1705 / 1765)
ISAAK TIRION Netherlands (1705) / (1765) GEORGE ANSON Staffordshire, United Kingdom (1697) / ( 1762) Hertfordshire, United Kingdom "Nautical Chart of Manila Bay"
Starting price 120 €
JEAN-FRANÇOISE DE LA PEROUSE Albi, France (1741) / Vanikoro, Solomon Islands (1788) "Pacific Ocean and its islands, between California and the Philippine Islands, Formosa and Japan"
Starting price 180 €
MERCATOR (1512-1594); HONDIUS. (1597-1651), JANSSONIUS. (1588-1664). "Southeast Asia and the Philippines"
Starting price 200 €
MERCATOR (1512-1594); HONDIUS. (1597-1651), JANSSONIUS. (1588-1664). "Philippines, Moluccas, Java"
Starting price 200 €
RIGOBERT BONNE Raucourt, France (1729) / Paris, France (1795) "The Philippine Islands, Taiwan and Ancient Kingdoms of Southeast Asia"
Starting price 140 €
RIGOBERT BONNE Raucourt, France (1729) / Paris, France (1795) "Philippines and Islands of present-day Indonesia"
Starting price 140 €
(1715 / 1779)
JAKOB VAN SCHLEY Amsterdam, Netherlands (1715) / (1779) FATHER PABLO CLAIN (1652) / (1717) "The New Philippine Islands"
Starting price 80 €
JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris, France (1703) / Versailles, France (1772) PEDRO MURILLO VELARDE El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain (1696) / (1753) "Two Maps of the Philippines"
Starting price 250 €
JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris, France (1703) / Versailles, France (1772) "Map of Captain Saris's voyage to the Moluccas and Japan in 1612-1613"
Starting price 200 €
JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN Paris, France (1703) / Versailles, France (1772) "Philippines, Japan and the Sunda Islands (Indonesia)"
Starting price 220 €
(1726 / 1809)
ANDREW BELL Edinburgh, Scotland (1726) / (1809) "East Indies: Philippines, Southeast Asia and India"
Starting price 100 €
(1697 / 1762)
GEORGES ANSON Staffordshire (1697) / Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (1762) "Nautical Chart of the Philippines Channel through which the Manila Galleon passes"
Starting price 350 €
(1815 / 1884)
HENRI FELIX EMMANUEL PHILIPPOTEAUX Paris, France (1815 / 1884) "Philippines: Costumes and Salakots"
Starting price 100 €
JEAN-FRANÇOISE DE LA PEROUSE (1741 / 1788) "Philippine boats"
Starting price 200 €
VARIOUS AUTHORS (19th century) "Philippines"
Starting price 450 €
(1842 / 1926)
BARTOLOME MAURA Palma de Mallorca (1842) / Madrid. (1926) "Type of the Ambles Valley", 1874
Starting price 120 €
(1746 / 1828)
FRANCISCO DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Fuendetodos, Zaragoza (1746) / Bordeaux (France) (1828) "Se repulen"
Starting price 120 €
(1746 / 1828)
FRANCISCO DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Fuendetodos, Zaragoza (1746) / Bordeaux (France) (1828) "Snitches"
Starting price 120 €
(1746 / 1828)
FRANCISCO DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Fuendetodos, Zaragoza (1746) / Bordeaux (France) (1828) "They are warm"
Starting price 120 €
(1746 / 1828)
FRANCISCO DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Fuendetodos, Zaragoza (1746) / Bordeaux (France) (1828) "Diego de Acedo (The Cousin)", 1778
Starting price 200 €
(1795 / 1829)
LOUIS CROUTELLE Paris, France (1795) / (1829) "The Pumpkin Jester"
Starting price 180 €
(1749 / 1802)
BARTOLOME VAZQUEZ Cordoba (1749) / (1802) "The boy from Vallecas"
Starting price 180 €
FRENCH SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) "Glory with the Holy Trinity, the Virgin, saints and virtues"
Starting price 70 €
(1823 / 1890)
JULES GABRIEL LEVASSEUR Paris, France (1823) / (1890) "Ma soeur n'y est pas"
Starting price 100 €
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