Elizabethan style circular rug made of hand-knotted wool, signed M. Stuyck, Madrid, 1988
Starting price 4.000 €
1.603 Results
Elizabethan style circular rug made of hand-knotted wool, signed M. Stuyck, Madrid, 1988
Starting price 4.000 €
Spanish hand-knotted wool rug, Spain, 20th century
Starting price 1.500 €
Bookstore, Denmark, c. 1910
Starting price 2.700 €
Victorian "grandfather" clock, England, 19th century
Starting price 300 €
Edwardian "grandfather" clock, John Taylor, London, England, 19th century
Starting price 300 €
George III style sideboard, England, early 20th century
Starting price 850 €
Victorian "Davenport", England, 19th century
Starting price 500 €
Regency bracket clock, England, c.1820
Starting price 300 €
Pair of Chippendale style chairs, 19th century
Starting price 300 €
George II Chair, England, 18th century
Starting price 400 €
Victorian sideboard, England, 19th century
Starting price 400 €
Victorian style musician, England, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
Pedestal desk, England, 20th century
Starting price 700 €
Regency style desk, England, 20th century
Starting price 400 €
Chippendale style side table, 20th century
Starting price 120 €
English style library side table, 20th century
Starting price 250 €
Silk quilt made from a Manila shawl, 20th century
Starting price 500 €
Oriental style table, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Fan with bone rods and polychrome border with eighteenth-century scenes on a cartouche, mid-20th century
Starting price 90 €
Lot of thirteen purses and a dance card, 19th century
Starting price 250 €
Lot of thirteen purses, card holders, trousse... 19th century
Starting price 250 €
Lot of thirteen mostly French purses, 19th century
Starting price 250 €
Desk set from the 20th century, in embossed leather
Starting price 150 €
Gilded metal box, France, early 20th century
Starting price 50 €
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