Carriage clock, France, second half of the 19th century
Starting price 200 €
1.603 Results
Carriage clock, France, second half of the 19th century
Starting price 200 €
Pair of geodes mounted on silver-plated bronze
Starting price 100 €
Polychrome bronze greyhound figure, Vienna, 19th century
Starting price 100 €
"Hunting scene", porcelain group, Nymphenburg manufactory, Germany, 20th century
Starting price 30 €
Lot consisting of three snuff bottles and a small tortoiseshell-like box, 20th century
Starting price 150 €
"Children" bronze sculpture, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
Pair of percussion pistols, preferably for naval use, England, 19th century
Starting price 400 €
Music box possibly Swiss, 19th century
Starting price 400 €
Napoleon III style clock and cup garnish, France, early 20th century
Starting price 180 €
Coffee table, France, 19th century
Starting price 400 €
Alfonsino Mirror, Spain, early 20th century
Starting price 150 €
Edwardian style octagonal coffee table, 20th century
Starting price 75 €
Biedermeier sofa, Germany, mid. 19th century
Starting price 600 €
Napoleon III coffee table, France, 19th century
Starting price 400 €
Gondola sofa in Elizabethan style, Spain, 19th century
Starting price 400 €
Louis XV style desk, France, 19th century and later
Starting price 200 €
Victorian sewing box, England, 19th century
Starting price 180 €
Sheraton style planter, England, early 20th century
Starting price 80 €
Console convertible into a Regency table, England, 19th century
Starting price 240 €
Victorian style dining table, 20th century
Starting price 500 €
Four Elizabethan chairs, Spain, 19th century
Starting price 200 €
Oval Elizabethan mirror, Spain, 19th century
Starting price 600 €
William IV style dining table, 20th century
Starting price 600 €
Six chairs and two armchairs in Regency style, 20th century
Starting price 600 €
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