White thread tablecloth, 20th century
Starting price 250 €
1.603 Results
White thread tablecloth, 20th century
Starting price 250 €
Complete porcelain tableware from the Erdmann Schlegelmilch (Saxe) factory, Germany, early 20th century
Starting price 350 €
Gilt bronze and resin cutlery, "Budha" model, manufactured in Siam, Thailand, mid-20th century
Starting price 350 €
White opaline jug, early 20th century
Starting price 20 €
Crystal centerpiece following models of Baccarat, France, early 20th century
Starting price 180 €
Centerpiece, Italy, early 20th century
Starting price 200 €
Lot of two silver-plated metal messages with glass cruets, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Carved crystal jug with silver-plated metal spout, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Silver-plated tableware, 20th century
Starting price 160 €
Silver-plated copper vegetable dish, 20th century
Starting price 60 €
Silver-plated copper and glass inkwell and stand, 20th century
Starting price 80 €
Pair of silver-plated copper candlesticks, 20th century
Starting price 60 €
Silver-plated metal tray, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Silver-plated metal salver and circular tray, Spain, 20th century
Starting price 50 €
Four silver-plated metal centrepieces from different manufactures, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Two silver-plated metal trays, Spain, mid-20th century
Starting price 100 €
Oval silver-plated metal platter, mid-20th century
Starting price 50 €
Mirror of neoclassical taste, 20th century
Starting price 400 €
Sheraton style dining table, Spain, mid 20th century
Starting price 600 €
Mahogany dining table, 20th century
Starting price 250 €
Napoleon III porthole clock, France, 19th century
Starting price 150 €
Napoleon III wall clock, France, 19th century
Starting price 300 €
Pair of English-style chairs, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Victorian side table convertible into a gaming table, England, 19th century - 20th century
Starting price 450 €
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