Victorian display case, England, 19th century
Starting price 180 €
1.603 Results
Victorian display case, England, 19th century
Starting price 180 €
English style washbasin, early 20th century and later
Starting price 300 €
Pair of table lamps, 20th century
Starting price 180 €
Louis XV style armchair and chair, 20th century
Starting price 130 €
Elizabethan style sofa, Spain, 19th century and later
Starting price 200 €
Elizabethan console, Spain, 19th century
Starting price 180 €
Louis XV style bergere, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Kidney table in French style, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Pair of Napoleon III style side tables, 20th century
Starting price 400 €
Elizabethan gondola sofa, 19th century
Starting price 200 €
Gondola sofa in the Elizabethan style, Spain, 19th century
Starting price 200 €
William IV style sofa-table, 19th century
Starting price 380 €
Pair of Louis XVI style armchairs, Spain, mid-20th century
Starting price 180 €
Louis Philippe bedside table, France, 19th century
Starting price 120 €
Silver metal table lamp, Valenti, mid-20th century
Starting price 50 €
Column-shaped table lamp, Spain, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Pair of table lamps, 20th century
Starting price 350 €
Pair of column-shaped table lamps, Spain, 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Dutch style lamp, Spain, mid 20th century
Starting price 100 €
Louis XVI style mirror, 20th century
Starting price 800 €
Pair of Louis XV style bombe chests of drawers, Spain, mid-20th century
Starting price 500 €
Louis XV style side table, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
"Bergere" in Louis XV style, mid. 20th century
Starting price 350 €
Castilian-style circular coffee table, Spain, mid-20th century
Starting price 50 €
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