FRENCH SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) "Optical view of the Theatre of Marcellus"
Starting price 100 €
1.697 Results
FRENCH SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) "Optical view of the Theatre of Marcellus"
Starting price 100 €
JACQUES RIGAUD Marseille, France (1681) / Paris, France (1754) "Vue de L'hotel de Soubise"
Starting price 180 €
GIOVANNI VOLPATO Bassano del Grappa, Italy (1735) / Rome, Italy (1808) "Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano"
Starting price 200 €
(1646 / 1721)
GIOVANNI GIARDINI DA FORLI Forli, Italy (1646) / Rome, Italy (1721) "Disegni Diversi. Chalices", 1714
Starting price 240 €
ANTOINE PLUVINEL Cresta, France (1555) / Dauphíne, France (1620) "Horsemanship. Classical dressage exercises"
Starting price 200 €
(1642 / 1709)
ANDREA POZZO Trento, Italy (1642) / Vienna, Austria (1709) "Figure 44", "Figure 86", "Figure 94" and "Figure 99"
Starting price 350 €
(1667 / 1730)
COSIMO MOGALLI Italy (1667) / (1730) ANDREA DEL SARTO FLORENCE, ITALY (1486)/ (1531); FRANCESCO PETRUCCI ITALY(1660)/(1719) "The Annunciation"
Starting price 300 €
(1445 / 1491)
MARTIN SCHONGAUER Kolmar (1445) / Breisach (1491) "The Archangel Gabriel" and "The Virgin Mary"
Starting price 400 €
(1746 / 1810)
NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT Paris, France (1746) / (1810) "Botany: the male and female Laureola"
Starting price 90 €
(1757 / 1822)
JAMES SOWERBY London, United Kingdom (1757) / (1822) "Wild Flowers"
Starting price 180 €
(1775 / 1840)
PIERRE JEAN FRANÇOIS TURPIN Vire, France (1775) / Paris, France (1840) "Botany. Milkweed from Syria"
Starting price 120 €
(1746 / 1810)
NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT Paris, France (1746) / (1810) "Botany: the almond tree"
Starting price 90 €
(1746 / 1810)
NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT Paris, France (1746) / (1810) "Botany: the cherry tree"
Starting price 90 €
(1746 / 1810)
NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT Paris, France (1746) / (1810) "Botany: Oats"
Starting price 90 €
(1746 / 1810)
NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT Paris, France (1746) / (1810) "Botany: wheat"
Starting price 90 €
(1746 / 1810)
NICOLAS FRANCOIS REGNAULT Paris, France (1746) / (1810) "Botany: the vineyard"
Starting price 90 €
HANS HOLBEIN Augsburg, Germany (1497) / London, United Kingdom (1543) "European fashion in the early 16th century"
Starting price 240 €
(1805 / 1865)
THÉODORE YUNG Strasbourg, France (1805) / (1865) "Album of twenty battles of the Revolution and the Empire"
Starting price 450 €
PARFAIT AUGRAND Joinville (France) (1782) / (Deceased) "Scenes of Matilda of England and the Arab Prince Malel-Adhel"
Starting price 300 €
JEAN DOSSERAY ( / active, Brussels (1868-1904).) "France. The triumph of the Third Republic after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871"
Starting price 200 €
FRENCH SCHOOL (19th century - 20th century) "La Bergêre endormie" and "Le Printemps"
Starting price 95 €
A. BOSSELMAN (/Active in the National Manufacture of Sèvres, 1825-1841) "Wisdom defeats Cupid's arrows", c. 1762
Starting price 90 €
(1807 / 1884)
ALPHONSE LÉON NOËL Paris, France (1807) / (1884) "HM The Queen Mother, Doña Maria Cristina de Borbón", 1852
Starting price 50 €
(1725 / 1815)
FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI Florence (1725) / Lisbon (1815) "Children on the farm", c. 1770
Starting price 70 €
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