Jacket in brushed mink fur, Italy, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
1.697 Results
Jacket in brushed mink fur, Italy, 20th century
Starting price 300 €
Brown mink loin jacket
Starting price 90 €
Light brown mink fur jacket
Starting price 190 €
Short black astrakhan fur jacket
Starting price 180 €
Fox fur jacket
Starting price 150 €
Brown mink back jacket
Starting price 240 €
Brown mink loin coat
Starting price 200 €
Black astrakhan fur coat
Starting price 150 €
Brown mink loin coat
Starting price 250 €
Brown mink loin coat
Starting price 200 €
Brown mink loin coat
Starting price 300 €
(ca. 1480 - ca. 1534)
MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI Bologna, Italy (ca. 1480 - ca. 1534) "La Cassolette"
Starting price 90 €
(1449 / 1546)
GIULIO ROMANO Rome, Italy (1449) / Mantua, Italy (1546) "The Virgin of the Basin"
Starting price 60 €
GERRIT HONTHORST (GERARDO DELLA NOTTE) Utrecht, Netherlands (1590) / (1656) "The Tooth-Puller", c. 1850
Starting price 70 €
JOSEPH WAGNER Thalendorf, Germany (1706) / Munich, Germany (1780) "Landscape with peasants"
Starting price 80 €
(1734 / 1820)
MANUEL SALVADOR CARMONA Nava del Rey, Valladolid (1734) / Madrid. (1820) "Vicente Osorio Moscoso"
Starting price 60 €
(1749 / 1802)
BARTOLOMÉ VÁZQUEZ Córdoba (1749) / (1802) "Don Sancho Dávila"
Starting price 60 €
(1718 / 1795)
PIERRE CHENU Paris, France (1718) / (1795) "Le bon accord"
Starting price 70 €
(1797 / 1870)
AGUSTÍN FRANÇOIS LEMAÍTRE Paris, France (1797) / (1870) "Bas-relief in Mourgal"
Starting price 50 €
(1728 / 1807)
LOUIS SIMON LEMPEREUR Paris, France (1728) / (1807) "Les serments du berger"
Starting price 100 €
JEAN JACQUES DE BOISSIEU Lyon, France (1736) / Lentilly, France (1810) "Family scene in an interior"
Starting price 120 €
(William Wynne Ryland / 1783)
WILLIAM WYNNE RYLAND London, United Kingdom (1732) / (1783) "David and Goliath", 1762
Starting price 120 €
ANDREA SCACCIATI Florence, Italy (1642) / (1710) "The Arts"
Starting price 150 €
(1748 / 1817)
CARLO LABRUZZI Rome, Italy (1748) / (1817) "Camera Sepolcrale nella Vigna Casali mano destra della Via Appia", c.1800
Starting price 180 €
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